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Dressing-case Alma Black


The cacharel "Alma" cosmetic bags are the perfect luxurious & trendy accessory to carry around your everyday essentials. They are made of carefully chosen pebbled grain vegan leather (PU). The signature plate is a slightly oversized and domed version of the iconic "C" logo, signed with a Cacharel engraving. Another beautiful detail is the zipper puller, with it's charm like signature plate & pebbled grained material insert. They come in an array of beautiful colors, and are perfect to use inside the eponymous tote bag.

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Hmotnost s obalem: 155 g
Hmotnost bez obalu 155 g
Stránka katalogu: 42
Celková hmotnost 11.3 kg
Rozměry balíčku (L x l x h): 540 x 320 x 570
Objem: 0.098 m³
Kusů v balíčku: 40
Weight (g): 155
Dimension: 240 x 70 x 140 mm
Material 1 Color: Black
Material 1: Polyurethane
Lining Color: Black
Lining Material: Polyester
Number of compartment: 1
Bag Computer?: No
Closing Type: Zipper
Bag cellphone: No
Pen compartment: No
Cabine size?: Yes
CN8 Intrastat: 4202 9211
Barcode EAN13: 5420056171014
Code UPC: 840918171016
Country of origin: China
Composition: 95% Polyurethane,5% Polyester,0% undefined
Contents: CTC219A

Dressing-case Alma Black

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