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Hugo Boss

Rollerball pen Illusion Gear Khaki


With its balanced shape and unique grip section, this latest addition to the collection features design elements from the rest of the Gear range: dented rings, matte surfaces and a dynamic aesthetic inspired by the fashion house's athleisure line.

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Balení: HBS220
Hmotnost s obalem: 197 g
Hmotnost bez obalu 45 g
Celková hmotnost 10.87 kg
Rozměry balíčku (L x l x h): 300 x 400 x 500
Objem: 0.06 m³
Kusů v balíčku: 50
Weight ( g ): 45
Dimension: Dia. 13 / h. 143 mm
Color: Dark Green,Black
Base material: Brass,Lacquer,Matt lacquer
Cap material: Brass
Cap finishing material: Lacquer
Silver under coating on the cap: No
Barrel material: Brass
Barrel finishing material: Lacquer
Silver under coating on the barrel: No
Ink color: Black
Cartridge reference: Waterman style rollerball
Finishing material: Brass,Lacquer,Matt lacquer
Stylus for touchscreen: No
CN8 Intrastat: 9608 1010
Barcode EAN13: 5420056170826
Code UPC: 840918170828
Country of origin: China
Composition: 90% Brass,10% Matt lacquer
Contents: HSV2125T

Rollerball pen Illusion Gear Khaki

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