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Cerruti 1881

Isothermal flask Block Black


The CERRUTI 1881 Block thermal bottle is a minimalistic and modern accessory that is perfect for accompanying you from the office to the gym. With its oversized logo and soft touch texture, it is easy to grip and use. It is available in 3 colors: black, blue or beige. This thermal bottle is made with quality materials for optimal thermal performance, it will allow you to keep your hot or cold drinks at the ideal temperature throughout the day. Its elegant finish and well-known brand make it a fashionable and practical accessory at the same time.

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Hmotnost s obalem: 400 g
Hmotnost bez obalu 250 g
Stránka katalogu: 33
Celková hmotnost 8.9 kg
Rozměry balíčku (L x l x h): 470 x 390 x 260
Objem: 0.048 m³
Kusů v balíčku: 20
Weight: 250
Dimension: Dia. 60 x 230 mm
Color: Black
Material: Stainless steel
Capacité ml: 500
Keep hot up to: 8
Keep cold up to: 8
Double wall insulation: Yes
CN8 Intrastat: 9617 0000
Barcode EAN13: 5420056177467
Code UPC: 840918177469
Country of origin: China
Composition: 80% Stainless steel,10% Matt plated,5% Polypropylene,5% Copper
Contents: NAI328A

Isothermal flask Block Black

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