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Cerruti 1881

Cosmetic-case Regent Black


In accordance with the DNA of the brand, this line combines cutting edge material innovation with classical shapes. Crisp chrome metal signatures are adding the perfect final touch. This cosmetic bag is light, soft and roamy : the perfect travel companion.

ks. ks.

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Hmotnost s obalem: 220 g
Hmotnost bez obalu 220 g
Stránka katalogu: 7
Celková hmotnost 12.4 kg
Rozměry balíčku (L x l x h): 480 x 290 x 580
Objem: 0.081 m³
Kusů v balíčku: 40
Weight (g): 220
Dimension: 230 x 120 x 120 mm
Material 1 Color: Black
Material 1: Polyurethane
Lining Color: Black
Lining Material: Polyester
Number of compartment: 1
Bag Computer?: No
Volume: 4
Closing Type: Magnet
Bag cellphone: Yes
Pen compartment: No
Cabine size?: Yes
CN8 Intrastat: 4202 9211
Barcode EAN13: 5420056177283
Code UPC: 840918177285
Country of origin: China
Composition: 80% Polyurethane,15% Polyester,5% Brass
Contents: NTC329A

Cosmetic-case Regent Black

ks. ks.

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